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Sound of Thunder 2025


Sound of Thunder 2025 will be held on the 21-23 February and will be extended to be a 3 day event. In the past Friday has been used for unofficial practice but from next year that will change. Friday will now be used for sign on and scrutineering 7am to 10am. Then official practice sessions followed by qualifying. Saturday and Sunday will include a quick tyre scrub session then straight into racing. The new format will relieve the stress of what has become a pretty tight schedule and give us the flexibility to include more features to the event.

You MUST be there on Friday for sign on and qualifying if you want to compete at this event so start making your plans now. Get the ferry booked, organise time off work or whatever you need to do to ensure you are there because as always this event will be epic and not one to miss. A full event schedule and more detail will follow in due course.

ROUND TWO of the Redwood Physio BEARS Championship is next Saturday. Entries are open NOW. As well as all the normal race classes there will be a HAVE A GO class for bikes 0-599cc Any make of bike welcome. Entry form and more detail HERE

REMEMBER Remits to change the official BEARS class rules must be received by the secretary before 29th August 2024. This is a chance to have your say. Remits will be reviewed, and refined if necessary, at a meeting on the 31st August at Ruapuna directly after racing. More info on remits can be found HERE

Email your remits to Mike


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