BEARS Motorcycle Club Annual General Meeting 2024 will be held on June 9th in the Casino lounge Euromarque Motorsport park at 8am. The meeting will be prior to our Have a Go Event. All financial members are invited to attend.
(a) Receiving any minutes of the previous Society’s Meeting(s);
(b) The Chair/President’s report on the business of the Society;
(c) The Treasurer’s report on the finances of the Society, and the Annual Financial Statements;
(d) Election of Committee Members;
(e) Motions to be considered;
(f) General business
At the close of the meeting there will be a short discussion period where members can have their say about the direction of the club and any ideas for improvement.
Nominations for officers and committee will close at 5pm on the 4th of June.
Completed nomination forms should me emailed to
Positions - President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to five general committee members. The nominee, proposer and seconder must all be BEARS financial members. All existing officers & committee are eligible for re-election.
Nomination form here
Committee will be decided by majority vote. You must be a financial member to vote and be present at the meeting.
A member is entitled to vote by written proxy in favor of another member present at the meeting, but no other proxy voting shall be permitted.
As a member of the club it is important that you have your say. Please attend.
Also a reminder that 2024 is a remit year. Every 2 years the BEARS club will consider & vote on remits to make changes to our current class rules. We will call for remits later in the year probably sometime in October so start thinking about any changes you would like to see.
Murray Sutherland
BEARS President